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About the monkeez

Degenmonkeez originated as an early Terra project.

In those days we used to be a blue chip project.

Now we are a derug project led by two community members.


Through the new team's genesis mint, we want to reach out to -and help grow our community.

 Old frens from Terra, Sol and Polygon, new frens from Injective.

In short: people like you that are genuinely interested in our project!

Monkeez were always just a 500 piece boutique collection on Terra, later Solana. However this time around we feel the space can do with more monkeez.

Thats why we extended the collection with 2000 newly generated monkeez never seen before.

This even includes a bunch of new legendary monkee classes.

Keeping true to our heritage the newly generated monkeez are indistinctable from the legacy monkeez. We cleaned the art and metadata referring to our past life and even added some new traits.


We offer great timeless art, as well as a resilient a.f. community and team




Baby Degenmonkeez on Injective

Baby Degenmonkeez mint and utility

Degenmonkeez on Stargaze

Degenmonkeez mint, utility and OG migration



Baby Degenmonkeez interchain discovery

holders mint on...

500 Baby Degenmonkeez go Bananas

on injective!

Babies on injective will play an important

role during the rest of the project 

eventually, the community can choose to 

explore the other 2500 babies on different 

chains. this is optional

IMG_20240123_223902 (1).webp

2500 degenmonkeez on Stargaze working

together with the babies on injective

towards the next steps in our story...




2500 babies, partially up to the community to explore different chains and what chains to go for. meant as a reward for long time holders and stakers.

Meet the founders

Welcome, meet our derug founders! 

 Team specialists and external consultants

A proper team can't function without a solid discord and reliable mods to help keep it safe and running, as well as advisors and specialists to help us find our way in the Injective nft scene

Meet our mods and specialists/advisors:


Degenmonkeez DAO Originated as a Terra project named Wagmimonkeez in november 2021. 

ATH fp 100 Luna (9000 USD).

ATH sale at 55000 USD equivalent (550 Luna)

Original community founded a DAO

A blue chip project on Terra until it all came crashing down!


Migration to Solana and Derug operation

Following the migration to Solana, the original founders rugged!

But we never gave up!

A community team has taken over since.

with this derug we wanted to distance ourselves from Wagmimonkeez and rebrand the project into DEGENMONKEEZ.


We´re excited for what the future holds.

We will start off by minting newly generated monkeez and reminting parts of what’s left in the team wallet as we’ve queried all the assets.

We will also migrate the OG assets for existing holders.

Our destination is the Cosmos!

Once we find our footing on Stargaze post monkeez migration, we want to introduce redacted which will be needed for the next step in our journey...



One thing is certain, we have lots of assets and ideas to revive this project! We want to do that with you, our community!

We are passionate and resilient to revive this OG project, because we love the art and the memories we Degenmonkeez deserve to have a place in the cosmos we feel.

Much love, 



Where heritage meets future.

We're multichain by nature. but why Injective and stargaze?


Injective has enabled smartcontracts through CosmWasm, which has a unique implementation that allows you to automatically execute smart contracts in each block. In general, this has a good effect on the development of the project and distinguishes it from other blockchains.
This makes the project attractive for the development of financial primitives and protocols that can use the Injective blockchain as a platform. So, we can conclude that Injective has the potential for further development and takes its place among other blockchains.

Very Fast  

The creation time of Injective block is 1.1s making it one of the fastest blockchains in the world. This fast transaction processing, oddly enough, means that users can complete transactions quickly and efficiently.

This greatly facilitates the execution of operations by users and contributes to the fast and efficient functioning of the network.

Very low Fee 

Injective is more than 1000X faster and cheaper than Ethereum due to its unique design and architecture. This makes Injective an attractive option for those who are looking for fast and inexpensive transactions.

Highly Secure — Deploy on a Tendermint-based PoS network secured by a globally distributed group of renowned validators and trusted by leading institutions worldwide.

But that’s macro mumbo jumbo…

Why did we, as degenmonkeez DAO, choose for these L1`s?

The short answer is: community and defi!

As some of u may know, we came from Terra originally and feel like reconnecting to the rest of the diaspora of this community. A lot of them are now rediscovering cosmos and injective and Stargaze seem to be the place to be, so we should move too we figured!



Working With the Best partners

  • Talis

  • several injective & Stargaze communities!

  • All our frended projects from the Terra days, true legends!

  • numerous private DAO`s

  • redacted

  • You!


Our plans Ep 1 & 1A :  (Baby) Degenmonkeez


OGs and Injective communities WL process

We have reached out to OG`s and frens on Polygon, Terra and Stars as well as new frens on Injective who feel like joining us on our derug journey!


(Baby) Degenmonkeez 

Community mint of 500 babies degenmonkeez on injective to get started, start trading on talis. utility towards our next mint.

mint of 2000 newly generated monkeez .

start trading on

Taking steps to get the ball rolling again and grow our community.

join lots of Twitter spaces and AMA`s & connect with all the communities on Injective

Community building stage


Legacy degenmonkeez migration from Solana

2 month time window to migrate assets from Solana to Stargaze and join the newly generated part of the collection. merging the past with new beginnings and new community members from the Injective, Stargaze and wider cosmos space.

pre-mint timeline

Degenmonkeez the mint


OG stage

  • Discord opening.

  • Manually vetted OG selection in discord.


traditional high profile marketing & main collab stage

  • Mint partner promotion

  • main collabs stage with solid communities and high nett worth individuals


early collab outreach & community building 

  • taking in the first collab offers

  • Grow the community through collabs and discord giveaways


Community games, building and whitelist oppurtunities getting closer to mint

  • Second community building stage

  • last wl oppurtunities


Guerilla marketing & mint supply reveal

  • Twitter spaces, shitposting, gming, ama`s in discord or on twitter.

  • Degenmonkeez mint supply reveal


announcement mint details & hype stage on socials

  • Announcing the final detail: platform, time, price and date

  • Hype on socials and guerilla marketing in the weeks leading up to mint

Ep 2:
Growing our community &
keeping true to the OG art

To revive this project we figured ideally we grow our community, since 500 monkeez were always too small of a collection to make waves or form a strong community in the space relative to the larger collections. 

Well how can we do that, since there`s only 500 monkeez existing and most of the og monkeys are already owned. Well we at degenmonkeez think this art is to banger to only have 500 of them roaming around the blockchain.

Thats why we queried the OG art, extracted all the traits, and are now generating more monkeys.

But they have to be just right, art wise. Decent QC is key!

After carefull consideration, we made the choice that 2000 more monkeez will be added to our supply.

Ep 3: Other Plans

our future plans and current progress



Were planning to introduce merch to our community; we have the perfect person in mind for this!

For holders only!

More info post-mint/migration!


IRL meetups

We want to introduce IRL meetups for our community to connect and see the people behind the Jpegs. given there’s enough interest to hold these! 



a partying monkee in a rain of money, need i say more...

bananas anyone?


redacted stuff

Head over to redacted  when we announce it in our discord.

Alle video's

Alle video's

Alle video's
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Pepe's Journey - Mo Beats Righteous Extended (SLOW AND REVERB)

Pepe's Journey - Mo Beats Righteous Extended (SLOW AND REVERB)

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Pepe the frog - music clip (Marvel83' - Golden Dawn)

Pepe the frog - music clip (Marvel83' - Golden Dawn)

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Best Monkey Moments | BBC Earth

Best Monkey Moments | BBC Earth

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  • alt.text.label.Twitter

©2023 by Degenmonkeez DAO.

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